Sunday, December 01, 2013

Crime inflicted on nature

Rich and pristine British Columbia forests keep disappearing from our sight at alarming rate. The environmentalists define it as the loss of biodiversity where record number of plant and animal species face inevitable extinction. 
The area was thick, dense and almost hard to penetrate when trying to get access to nearby Chehalis Lake (south-western part of British Columbia) at its northern tip two years ago. It is now subject to widespread clear cutting and that seems like a man's pre-programmed crime was inflicted on the defenceless environment.
When visiting the area, it's clearly evident that a savage and uneducated man declared a vicious war on something that has never harmed us. Heavy duty machines ram the forests when making their new paths and creating logging roads in places where wildlife lived and cut trees in a matter of seconds.
Logging industry along with fishing dominates on the map of BC job market. Every BC government tries to do its best to keep it as dominant factor when it comes to discussing any job related issues. But numbers, statistics, and professional tendencies apart - this very part of BC looks very sad when seeing old growth forests falling down for the benefit of ever increasing corporate profits.
The job opportunity for people is what the government gives to those who destroy and after a while go away to destroy more. Nobody calculates the risk of losing the forest forever versus short sighted goal of employment for not many who wreak havoc on nature when backed with modern technology.
Think about dying beautiful forests at the end of the world when looking at high quality print and glossy magazines at your local newsstand that many don't even care looking at or buying. Think about advertising flyers delivered to your doorstep that you're sick and tired of reading and throw them away when you see them. Think about when you print one side of a single sheet paper when not paying attention about flipping and printing the other side of it.