Monday, March 30, 2009


Sometimes your phone call wakes me up in the middle of the night. I check the time; it’s about 3 AM… Strange, but I can’t fall asleep either. We talk for a long time and when the day breaks through, we say ‘good night’ to each other.
Sometimes your SMS wakes me up in the middle of the night. You can’t sleep either?... Long exchange of SMSs…, sweet dreams!
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and somewhere in between hot and fresh scrambled eggs and another game of chess I look for you in my dreams…, but there’s a cold other half of the bed.
Sometimes I find catching myself talking to you but my words end up in silent emptiness, sometime they bounce upon the walls, but usually I swallow them all after a while.
Sometimes I look at the cold Harvest Moon thinking of you and I feel pleasant warmth, then I sleep much better.
Sometimes in the middle of the night I look up at the ceiling and smile to its whiteness above, it reminds me our white bed sheet and us on it relaxing.

Sometimes I long for you… a lot!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Transition point (there must be something about it...)

Have you ever happened to like something before and now you don't like it anymore or vice-versa?
Have you happened to experience something that you have seemed to understand pretty well and now you start asking questions about the nature of the same thing back again?
Have you ever thought that you would never do this or that thing in your life and now you think you may want to tackle the problem and do these things yourself?
Have you ever been sure that you couldn't survive without that special thing, gadget or even a person that seemed to have been playing an important part in your life and now your survival criteria have changed to the degree that you don't really need that person's assistance because you can do the things on your own?
Have you ever categorized people's charakters to have been as "white" and/or "black" and now you see that it's all the other way around? Have you happened to say about something, "that's the way it is" and now you're saying, "that's not really like that"?
Have you ever experienced that something that first looked good, looks bad right now and whatever seemed to be bad is now either acceptable or at least OK?
Well, let's take an example: you take a trip around the world on a ship. Over time of a few months, you cover a huge distance passing the oceans, seas and continents and the surface beneath the ship is always flat, flat, flat... Then you coma back to the start point and nothing has changed in your mind about different shape of the Earth. On the other side of perception, you're in space and you see the Earth ball-shaped.
Now the question is: where in between the level of water (where you see the Earth ONLY flat)and the space (from where you see the Earth ONLY like a ball) is that transition point that changes your mind from flat surface to the ball?

Mostly, we may say that we know WHY this all happens or changes its deliberate course like that. It's an obvious thing that people get more life experience and knowledge and their point of view on many issues changes over the time. Well, what really interests me is WHERE that special transition point is when you either change your mind or your perception is changed on the nature of things and everything now looks like the opposite? Is there any special moment, a point of time when you get a blasting idea or maybe one time event or an experience that changes your mind for the opposite, or it's just a chunk of time that changes your opinion? What triggers this action - your own (evolving) way of life?, somebody's opinion?, an eye opener because you ventured looking at the same thing from different angle? or an emotional shock you experienced due to revelation of the true nature of things?
There must be this very special transition point where many things change and your perception of things is not the same,..., no more. What do you think this is? How would you call it?