Monday, March 30, 2009


Sometimes your phone call wakes me up in the middle of the night. I check the time; it’s about 3 AM… Strange, but I can’t fall asleep either. We talk for a long time and when the day breaks through, we say ‘good night’ to each other.
Sometimes your SMS wakes me up in the middle of the night. You can’t sleep either?... Long exchange of SMSs…, sweet dreams!
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and somewhere in between hot and fresh scrambled eggs and another game of chess I look for you in my dreams…, but there’s a cold other half of the bed.
Sometimes I find catching myself talking to you but my words end up in silent emptiness, sometime they bounce upon the walls, but usually I swallow them all after a while.
Sometimes I look at the cold Harvest Moon thinking of you and I feel pleasant warmth, then I sleep much better.
Sometimes in the middle of the night I look up at the ceiling and smile to its whiteness above, it reminds me our white bed sheet and us on it relaxing.

Sometimes I long for you… a lot!

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